Prisip Undang-undang Kepaduan
1.Boleh Dipercayai
2.Sentiasa Taat Dan Setia
3.Berguna Dan Yang Suka Menolong Orang Lain
4.Sentiasa Bersopan Santun
5.Bersahabat Dengan Semua Orang Dan Bersahabat Dengan Pengakap
6.Berbuat Baik Kepada Haiwan Dan Menjaga Benda-benda Yang Hidup
7.Sentiasa Menurut Perintah
8.Bersemagat Dan Bergembira Walaupun Dalam Kesulitan
9.Sentiasa Berjimat Cermat
10.Suci Dalam Fikiran,Perkataan Dan Perbuatan
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Cogan Kata Pengakap
Cogan Kata Pengakap
-Pengakap Kanak-kanak
Cogan Kata:Buat Sehabis Baik
-Pengakap Muda
Cogan Kata:Selalu Bersedia
-Pengakap Remaja
Cogan Kata:Pandang Luas
-Pengakap Kelana
Cogan Kata:Berkhidmat
-Pengakap Kanak-kanak
Cogan Kata:Buat Sehabis Baik
-Pengakap Muda
Cogan Kata:Selalu Bersedia
-Pengakap Remaja
Cogan Kata:Pandang Luas
-Pengakap Kelana
Cogan Kata:Berkhidmat
Persetiaan Kepanduan
Persetiaan Kepanduan
Bahawa dengan sesungguhnya,saya berjanji dan bersetia yang saya dengan sedaya upaya:
1.Menuaikan Kewajipan Saya Kepada Tuhan,Raja Dan Negara Saya Malaysia;
2.Menolong orang Setiap Masa;Dan
3.Mematuhi Undang-undang Kepanduan.
Bahawa dengan sesungguhnya,saya berjanji dan bersetia yang saya dengan sedaya upaya:
1.Menuaikan Kewajipan Saya Kepada Tuhan,Raja Dan Negara Saya Malaysia;
2.Menolong orang Setiap Masa;Dan
3.Mematuhi Undang-undang Kepanduan.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Presiden Agong Kehormat Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia
Dato’ Seri Haji Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi
Ketua Pengakap Negara

Yang Berhormat Datuk Shafie bin Salleh
Ketua Pesuruhjaya Pengakap Negara

KOL. Prof Dato’ DR. Haji Kamarudin bin Haji Kachar

Dato’ Seri Haji Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi
Ketua Pengakap Negara

Yang Berhormat Datuk Shafie bin Salleh
Ketua Pesuruhjaya Pengakap Negara

KOL. Prof Dato’ DR. Haji Kamarudin bin Haji Kachar
Official Song
Lagu Rasmi Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia
Kami Pengakap Malaysia
Kami Pengakap Malaysia
Harapan nusa dan bangsa
Berikrar setia
Pada pertiwi tercinta
Melatih generasi muda
Menjadi insan yang berguna
Persetiaan pengakap
Teras dipegang bersama
Menolong orang setia masa
Menabur bakti di mana sahaja
Demi Tuhan, Raja dan negara
Berbudi, bersaudara
Taat, menurut perintah
Kami bangga junjung cita-cita
Pengakap Malaysia

Kami bangga junjung cita-cita
Pengakap, Pengakap Malaysia
Baden-Powell’s Last Message

Towards the end of his life, although still in comparatively good health, he prepared a farewell message to his Scouts for publication after his death. It read:”Dear Scouts - if you have ever seen the play ‘Peter Pan’ you will remember how the pirate chief was always making his dying speech because he was afraid that possible, when the time came for him to die, he might not have time to get it off his chest. It is much the same with me, and so, although I am not at this moment dying, I shall be doing so one of these days and I want to send you a parting word of goodbye.
Remember, it is the last time you will ever hear from me, so think it over. I have had a most happy life and I want each one of you to have a happy life too.
I believe that God put us in this jolly world to be happy and enjoy life. Happiness does not come from being rich, nor merely being successful in your career, nor by self-indulgence. One step towards happiness is to make yourself healthy and strong while you are a boy, so that you can be useful and so you can enjoy life when you are a man.
Nature study will show you how full of beautiful and wonderful things God has made the world for you to enjoy. Be contented with what you have got and make the best of it. Look on the bright side of things instead of the gloomy one.
But the real way to get happiness is by giving out happiness to other people. Try and leave this world a little better than you found it and when your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at any rate you have not wasted your time but have done your best. ‘Be Prepared’ i this way, to live happy and to die happy - stick to your Scout Promise always - even after you have ceased to be a boy - and God help you to do it.
Your friend,
Remember, it is the last time you will ever hear from me, so think it over. I have had a most happy life and I want each one of you to have a happy life too.
I believe that God put us in this jolly world to be happy and enjoy life. Happiness does not come from being rich, nor merely being successful in your career, nor by self-indulgence. One step towards happiness is to make yourself healthy and strong while you are a boy, so that you can be useful and so you can enjoy life when you are a man.
Nature study will show you how full of beautiful and wonderful things God has made the world for you to enjoy. Be contented with what you have got and make the best of it. Look on the bright side of things instead of the gloomy one.
But the real way to get happiness is by giving out happiness to other people. Try and leave this world a little better than you found it and when your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at any rate you have not wasted your time but have done your best. ‘Be Prepared’ i this way, to live happy and to die happy - stick to your Scout Promise always - even after you have ceased to be a boy - and God help you to do it.
Your friend,
Chief Scout of the World

Scouting was not B.-P.’s only interest, for excelled at pig-sticking and fishing, and favoured polo and big game hunting. He was also a very good black & white and watercolour artist and took an interest in cinephotography and sculpture. In 1907, he exhibited a bust of John Smith, the colonial pioneer, at the Royal Academy.
B.-P. wrote no less than 32 books, the earning from which helped to pay for his Scouting travels. As with all his successors, he received no salary as Chief Scout. He received honorary degrees from Edinburgh, Toronto, Montreal, Oxford, Liverpool and Cambridge Universities. He also received Freedoms of the cities of London, Guildford,
Newcastle-on-Tyne, Bangor, Cardiff, Hawick, Kingston-on- Thames, Poole, Blandford, Canterbury and Pontefract, and of other cities in various parts of the world. In addition, 28 Foreign Orders and decorations and 19 Foreign Scout Awards were bestowed upon him. Every minute of B.-P.’s life was ’sixty seconds worth of distance run’. Each new adventure was the subject for a book. Every happy incident or thought, every fine landscape might be the subject for a sketch.
In 1938, suffering from ill-health, B.-P. returned to Africa, which had meant so much in his life, to live in semi-retirement in Nyeri, Kenya. Even here he found it difficult to curb his energies - he still produced many books and sketches.
On January 8, 1941, Baden-Powell died. He was 83 years of age. He is buried in a simple grave at Nyeri within sight of Mount Kenya. On his headstone are the words, ‘Robert Baden-Powell, Chief Scout of the World’ surmounted by the Boy Scout and Girl Guide Badges. His memory remains for all time in the hearts of millions of men and women, boys and girls.
It is up to those who are, or have been, Scouts or Guides to see that the two Movements he so firmly established continue for all time as living memorials to their Founder.
The Beginnings of the Movement B.-P

‘Scouting for Boys’ has since been translated into many different languages and dialects.
Without fuss, without ceremony and completely spontaneously, boys began to form Scout Troops all over the country. In September 1908, B.-P. had set up an office to deal with the large number of enquiries which were pouring in concerning the Movement.
There is no need to describe the way in which Scouting spread throughout the British Commonwealth and to other countries until it was established in practically all parts of the free world. Even those countries where Scouting as we know it is not allowed to exist readily, admit that they used its methods for their own youth training.
As Inspector-General of Cavalry, B.-P. considered that he had reached the pinnacle of his career. The baton of Field Marshal was within his grasp but he retired from the Army in 1910 at the age of 53, on the advice of His Majesty King Edward VII, who suggested that he would do more valuable service for his country within the Boy Scout Movement (now Scout Movement) than anyone could hope to do as a soldier!
So all his enthusiasm and energy was now directed to the development of Scouting and its sister Movement, Guiding. He travelled to all parts of the world, wherever he was most needed, to encourage their growth and give them the inspiration that he alone could give.
In 1912, he married Olave Soames who was his constant help and companion in all this work and by whom he had three children (Peter, Heather and Betty). Olave, Lady Baden-Powell, until she died in 1977, was known throughout the world as World Chief Guide.

Throughout the world as that of a man who, in his name Baden-Powell is known and respected 83 years, devoted himself to the service of his country and his fellow men in two separate and complete lives, one as a soldier fighting for his country, and the other as a worker for peace through the brotherhood of the Scout Movement.
Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell was born at 6 Stanhope Street (now 11 Stanhope Terrace), Paddington, London on February 22, 1857. He was the sixth son and the eighth of ten children of the Reverend Baden-Powell, a Professor at Oxford University. The names Robert Stephenson were those of his Godfather, the son of George Stephenson, the railway pioneer.
His father died when B.-P. was only three years old and the family were left none too well off. B.-P. was given his first lessons by his mother and later attended Rose Hill School, Tunbridge Wells, where he gained a scholarship for admittance to Charterhouse School. Charterhouse School was in London when B.-P. first attended but whilst he was there it moved to Godalming, Surrey, a factor which had great influence in his later life. He was always eager to learn new skills. He played the piano and fiddle. He acted - and acted the clown too at times. He practised bricklaying, and it was whilst a scholar at Charter house that he began to exploit his interest in the arts of Scouting and woodcraft.
Unofficially, in the woods around the school, B.-P. would stalk his Masters as well as catch and cook rabbits, being careful not to let the tell-tale smoke give his position away. His holidays were not wasted either. With his brothers he was always in search of adventure. One holiday they made a yachting expedition around the south coast of England. On another, they traced the Thames to its source by canoe. In all this, Baden-Powell was learning the arts and crafts which were to prove so useful to him professionally. B.-P. was certainly not a ’swot’ at school, as his end of term reports revealed. One records: ‘Mathematics - has to all intents given up the study’, and another:
‘French - could do well but has become very lazy, often sleeps in school’. Nevertheless, he gained second place for cavalry in open examination for the Army and was commissioned straight into the 13th Hussars, bypassing the officer training establishments, and subsequently became their Honorary Colonel for 30 years. His Army career was outstanding from the start. With the 13th Hussars he served in India, Afghanistan and South Africa and was mentioned in dispatches for his work in Zululand. There followed three years service in Malta as Assistant Military Secretary and then he went to Ashanti, Africa, to lead the campaign against Prempeh. Success led to his being promoted to command the 5th Dragoon Guards in 1897, at the age of 40. It was to the 5th Dragoon Guards that B.-P. gave his first training in Scouting and awarded soldiers reaching certain standards a badge based on the north point of the compass. Today’s Scout Membership badge is very similar.
In 1899 came Mafeking, the most notable episode in his outstanding military career, by which he became a Major-General at the age of only 43. B.-P. became famous and the hero of every boy, although he always minimised his own part and the value of his inspiring leadership. By using boys for responsible jobs during the siege, he learned the good response youth give to a challenge. During the 217 day siege, B.-P.’s book Aids to Scouting was published and reached a far wider readership than the military one for which it was intended. Following Mafeking, B.-P. was given the task of organising the South African Constabulary and it was not until 1903 that he returned to England as Inspector General of Cavalry and found that his book, Aids to Scouting’was being used by youth leaders and teachers all over the country. He spoke at meetings and rallies and whilst at a Boys’ Brigade gathering he was asked by its Founder, Sir William Smith, to work out a scheme for giving greater variety in the training of boys in good citizenship.
Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell was born at 6 Stanhope Street (now 11 Stanhope Terrace), Paddington, London on February 22, 1857. He was the sixth son and the eighth of ten children of the Reverend Baden-Powell, a Professor at Oxford University. The names Robert Stephenson were those of his Godfather, the son of George Stephenson, the railway pioneer.
His father died when B.-P. was only three years old and the family were left none too well off. B.-P. was given his first lessons by his mother and later attended Rose Hill School, Tunbridge Wells, where he gained a scholarship for admittance to Charterhouse School. Charterhouse School was in London when B.-P. first attended but whilst he was there it moved to Godalming, Surrey, a factor which had great influence in his later life. He was always eager to learn new skills. He played the piano and fiddle. He acted - and acted the clown too at times. He practised bricklaying, and it was whilst a scholar at Charter house that he began to exploit his interest in the arts of Scouting and woodcraft.
Unofficially, in the woods around the school, B.-P. would stalk his Masters as well as catch and cook rabbits, being careful not to let the tell-tale smoke give his position away. His holidays were not wasted either. With his brothers he was always in search of adventure. One holiday they made a yachting expedition around the south coast of England. On another, they traced the Thames to its source by canoe. In all this, Baden-Powell was learning the arts and crafts which were to prove so useful to him professionally. B.-P. was certainly not a ’swot’ at school, as his end of term reports revealed. One records: ‘Mathematics - has to all intents given up the study’, and another:
‘French - could do well but has become very lazy, often sleeps in school’. Nevertheless, he gained second place for cavalry in open examination for the Army and was commissioned straight into the 13th Hussars, bypassing the officer training establishments, and subsequently became their Honorary Colonel for 30 years. His Army career was outstanding from the start. With the 13th Hussars he served in India, Afghanistan and South Africa and was mentioned in dispatches for his work in Zululand. There followed three years service in Malta as Assistant Military Secretary and then he went to Ashanti, Africa, to lead the campaign against Prempeh. Success led to his being promoted to command the 5th Dragoon Guards in 1897, at the age of 40. It was to the 5th Dragoon Guards that B.-P. gave his first training in Scouting and awarded soldiers reaching certain standards a badge based on the north point of the compass. Today’s Scout Membership badge is very similar.
In 1899 came Mafeking, the most notable episode in his outstanding military career, by which he became a Major-General at the age of only 43. B.-P. became famous and the hero of every boy, although he always minimised his own part and the value of his inspiring leadership. By using boys for responsible jobs during the siege, he learned the good response youth give to a challenge. During the 217 day siege, B.-P.’s book Aids to Scouting was published and reached a far wider readership than the military one for which it was intended. Following Mafeking, B.-P. was given the task of organising the South African Constabulary and it was not until 1903 that he returned to England as Inspector General of Cavalry and found that his book, Aids to Scouting’was being used by youth leaders and teachers all over the country. He spoke at meetings and rallies and whilst at a Boys’ Brigade gathering he was asked by its Founder, Sir William Smith, to work out a scheme for giving greater variety in the training of boys in good citizenship.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
THE KING SCOUT AWARD [PENGAKAP RAJA] (Equivalent to the Eagle Scout Award)
THE KING SCOUT AWARD [PENGAKAP RAJA] (Equivalent to the Eagle Scout Award)The ultimate training Award for Boy Scouts is the King’s Scout Award. It requires extremely high standards of self-discipline, leadership and achievement in activity, interests and community service.
SENIOR SCOUTProgressive Badges
Proficiency Badges
Proficiency Badges : (Number indicates the amount of badges that must be taken)
a. Kegemaran Badges x 2 (Kegemaran means Interest)
b. Pengetahuan Badges x 3 (Pengetahuan means Knowledge)

Berkhemah Memasak Pelihat Perhutanan

Akademik Perintis Pendayung Perhubungan

Astronomi Pengembara
a. Kegemaran Badges x 2 (Kegemaran means Interest)
b. Pengetahuan Badges x 3 (Pengetahuan means Knowledge)

Berkhemah Memasak Pelihat Perhutanan

Akademik Perintis Pendayung Perhubungan

Astronomi Pengembara
c. Perkhidmatan Badges x 3 (Perkhidmatan means Service)
Pertolongan Pemadam Penyelamat Juru Bahasa
Setiausaha Komuniti Kuatermaster Pengawal
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Scout Promise & Law
The Scout Promise
On my honour I promise that I will do my bestTo do my duty to God and the King (or to God and my Country);To help other people at all times;To obey the Scout Law.
Persetiaan Pengakap (Malay Version of The Scout Promise)
Bahawa Dengan Sesungguhnya, Saya berjanji dan bersetia yang saya dengan seberapa daya upaya saya akan:
Taat Kepada Tuhan Raja dan NegaraMenolong Orang Pada Setiap Masa danMenurut Undang-undang Pengakap.
The Scout Laws
1. A Scout’s honour is to be trusted.2. A Scout is loyal.3. A Scout’s duty is to be useful and to help others.4. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout.5. A Scout is courteous.6. A Scout is a friend to animals.7. A Scout obeys orders of his parents, Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster without question.8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.9. A Scout is thrifty.10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.
UNDANG-UNDANG PENGAKAP (Malay Version of The Scout Laws)
1. Pengakap adalah seorang yang sentiasa dipercayai maruah dan kehormatan dirinya.2. Pengakap adalah seorang yang kepada Yang Dipertuan Agong serta Raja-Raja dan kepada Pemimpin-Pemimpin Pengakapnya, Ibubapanya, majikannya dan orang-orang dibawahnya.3. Pengakap adalah waijip menjadikan dirinya berguna, dan menolong orang pada setiap masa.4. Pengakap adalah sahabat kepada sekelian orang dan saudara kepada lain-lain pengakap walau apa negeri, pangkay dan ugamanya sekalipun.5. Pengakap adalah seorang yang baik dan sempurna budi perkertinya dan sentiasa berbudi.6. Pengakap adalah baik dan kasih kepada segala binatang.7. Pengakap adalah seorang yang sentiasa menurut perintah dan suruhan ibubapanya, Ketua Patrolnya atau Pemimpin-Pemimpin Pengakapnya dengan tiada apa-apa soalan.8. Pengakap adalah seorang yang sentiasa sabar dan manis mukanya dalam masa kesusahan.9. Pengakap adalah jimat dan cermat.10. Pengakap adalah bersih dan suci fikirannya, perkataannya dan perbuatannya.
On my honour I promise that I will do my bestTo do my duty to God and the King (or to God and my Country);To help other people at all times;To obey the Scout Law.
Persetiaan Pengakap (Malay Version of The Scout Promise)
Bahawa Dengan Sesungguhnya, Saya berjanji dan bersetia yang saya dengan seberapa daya upaya saya akan:
Taat Kepada Tuhan Raja dan NegaraMenolong Orang Pada Setiap Masa danMenurut Undang-undang Pengakap.
The Scout Laws
1. A Scout’s honour is to be trusted.2. A Scout is loyal.3. A Scout’s duty is to be useful and to help others.4. A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout.5. A Scout is courteous.6. A Scout is a friend to animals.7. A Scout obeys orders of his parents, Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster without question.8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.9. A Scout is thrifty.10. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.
UNDANG-UNDANG PENGAKAP (Malay Version of The Scout Laws)
1. Pengakap adalah seorang yang sentiasa dipercayai maruah dan kehormatan dirinya.2. Pengakap adalah seorang yang kepada Yang Dipertuan Agong serta Raja-Raja dan kepada Pemimpin-Pemimpin Pengakapnya, Ibubapanya, majikannya dan orang-orang dibawahnya.3. Pengakap adalah waijip menjadikan dirinya berguna, dan menolong orang pada setiap masa.4. Pengakap adalah sahabat kepada sekelian orang dan saudara kepada lain-lain pengakap walau apa negeri, pangkay dan ugamanya sekalipun.5. Pengakap adalah seorang yang baik dan sempurna budi perkertinya dan sentiasa berbudi.6. Pengakap adalah baik dan kasih kepada segala binatang.7. Pengakap adalah seorang yang sentiasa menurut perintah dan suruhan ibubapanya, Ketua Patrolnya atau Pemimpin-Pemimpin Pengakapnya dengan tiada apa-apa soalan.8. Pengakap adalah seorang yang sentiasa sabar dan manis mukanya dalam masa kesusahan.9. Pengakap adalah jimat dan cermat.10. Pengakap adalah bersih dan suci fikirannya, perkataannya dan perbuatannya.
Progressive Badges :
a. Usaha Badge (Usaha means Strive)
b. Maju Badge (Maju means Progress)
c. Jaya Badge (Jaya means Success)
a. Usaha Badge (Usaha means Strive)
b. Maju Badge (Maju means Progress)
c. Jaya Badge (Jaya means Success)

Tower of bamboo, firewood and rope
July 30th, 2007
IMAGINE a tower five storeys high built out of nothing but bamboo, firewood and rope.Forty members of the 219th Kinta Scout Shiang Yang Open Troop took five days to create the 21.3-metre high structure at SMK Bercham in Ipoh.Its scoutmaster Leong Siew Chuan, 25, said they used 300 pieces of wood, 100 bamboo poles and 50kg of rope.
With nine platforms and 13 sets of stairs, the structure is solid enough to hold up to 70 Scouts at one time. Two people could squeeze onto the top of the tower, he said.
Troop creation:The scouts posing in front of their tower.
The structure was built in conjunction with the troop’s first nationwide campfire gathering attended by over 500 scouts and girl guides from 25 schools recently.
The tower, to be dismantled soon, was meant to be a test of their skills in line with their campfire theme of ‘breaking through their limits’, said Leong.
MCA secretary-general Datuk Ong Ka Chuan launched the event on Saturday night by lighting a bonfire at the school with Bercham assemblyman Gooi Seng Teik.
In his speech, he lauded the troop for organising the gather- ing that also challenged the 500 scouts in various contests of skill.
The SMJK Kwong Hua Scout troop was named overall cham-pion, SMK Poi Lam’s was the best disciplined while the SMK Chan Wa scouts from Seremban were the most supportive.
The contest winners were Kuen Cheng Girl’s School (backwoods cooking), SMJK Chung Hwa, Se-remban (mini gadgets), SM Sam Min 60th girl’s group (semaphore and marching), SMJK Kwong Hua’s 13th Unit Ranger Group 1 (modern cooking), SMJK Shing Chung, Sun- gai Siput, (highlight and drama) and SMK Sentosa, Kuala Lumpur (dance).
July 30th, 2007
IMAGINE a tower five storeys high built out of nothing but bamboo, firewood and rope.Forty members of the 219th Kinta Scout Shiang Yang Open Troop took five days to create the 21.3-metre high structure at SMK Bercham in Ipoh.Its scoutmaster Leong Siew Chuan, 25, said they used 300 pieces of wood, 100 bamboo poles and 50kg of rope.
With nine platforms and 13 sets of stairs, the structure is solid enough to hold up to 70 Scouts at one time. Two people could squeeze onto the top of the tower, he said.
Troop creation:The scouts posing in front of their tower.
The structure was built in conjunction with the troop’s first nationwide campfire gathering attended by over 500 scouts and girl guides from 25 schools recently.
The tower, to be dismantled soon, was meant to be a test of their skills in line with their campfire theme of ‘breaking through their limits’, said Leong.
MCA secretary-general Datuk Ong Ka Chuan launched the event on Saturday night by lighting a bonfire at the school with Bercham assemblyman Gooi Seng Teik.
In his speech, he lauded the troop for organising the gather- ing that also challenged the 500 scouts in various contests of skill.
The SMJK Kwong Hua Scout troop was named overall cham-pion, SMK Poi Lam’s was the best disciplined while the SMK Chan Wa scouts from Seremban were the most supportive.
The contest winners were Kuen Cheng Girl’s School (backwoods cooking), SMJK Chung Hwa, Se-remban (mini gadgets), SM Sam Min 60th girl’s group (semaphore and marching), SMJK Kwong Hua’s 13th Unit Ranger Group 1 (modern cooking), SMJK Shing Chung, Sun- gai Siput, (highlight and drama) and SMK Sentosa, Kuala Lumpur (dance).
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tallest scouts tower record at 40.26m
IPOH: A pioneering tower standing 40.26m tall has entered the Malaysia Book of Records as the tallest built by scouts in the country.
It was constructed by 50 scouts from the Shiang Yang 219th Kinta troop using 5,000 pieces of mangrove wood and 300kg of rope.
It took them 10 days to build the nine-level structure at the Bercham recreational garden and sports complex here.
Mangrove wood feat: The tower constructed by the Shiang Yang 219th Kinta scout troop which will be open to the public
MBOR research journalist Ricky Yap said the structure was an amazing feat as it was built entirely by hand.
“One of the criteria in the attempt was that the feat had to be motivational and inspirational, and this certainly fits the description,” he said after presenting the certificate to the group here.
The previous record, he said, was set in 2002 by a group of Penang scouts who built a tower measuring 35m tall but it was done with the help of cranes and scaffolding.
Scoutmaster Leong Siew Chuan, 26, said they built the structure to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the World Scout Movement and the eighth anniversary of the open troop.
“We chose kayu bakau (mangrove) because it’s sturdier. This is the 19th tower we built, and it cost us RM40,000,” he said.
Chenderiang assemblyman Dr Mah Hang Soon, who represented Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan, praised the scouts for their determination.
It was constructed by 50 scouts from the Shiang Yang 219th Kinta troop using 5,000 pieces of mangrove wood and 300kg of rope.
It took them 10 days to build the nine-level structure at the Bercham recreational garden and sports complex here.
Mangrove wood feat: The tower constructed by the Shiang Yang 219th Kinta scout troop which will be open to the public
MBOR research journalist Ricky Yap said the structure was an amazing feat as it was built entirely by hand.
“One of the criteria in the attempt was that the feat had to be motivational and inspirational, and this certainly fits the description,” he said after presenting the certificate to the group here.
The previous record, he said, was set in 2002 by a group of Penang scouts who built a tower measuring 35m tall but it was done with the help of cranes and scaffolding.
Scoutmaster Leong Siew Chuan, 26, said they built the structure to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the World Scout Movement and the eighth anniversary of the open troop.
“We chose kayu bakau (mangrove) because it’s sturdier. This is the 19th tower we built, and it cost us RM40,000,” he said.
Chenderiang assemblyman Dr Mah Hang Soon, who represented Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan, praised the scouts for their determination.
· 童军创始人
--- 童军的创始人是英国爵士贝登堡先生,贝登堡鉴于当时英国青年道德堕落,体格衰弱,恐遭古代罗马帝国亡国的覆辙,是故研发出一套可行的训练方法试图挽救这种危机。
· 创立经过
--- 贝登堡先生回忆儿时生活及军中服务所得之经验,并参考各民族训练青年的优良方法,拟具一种儿童训练的计划。最初贝氏召集了20名儿童,到英国南部的[白浪岛]举行实验性的露营,当时正值民国前五年(1907)年夏季,这应该算是世界童子军成立的第一团了。
· 童子军的种类---
a. 稚龄童军(pre cub scout)===>六岁半至十岁半
b. 幼童军(cub scout)===>八岁至十二岁
c. 童子军(boy scout)===>十一岁以上
d. 行义童子军(senior scout)十四岁以上
e. 海童军(sea scout)及空童军(air scout)===>十五岁以上
f. 罗浮、兰杰童子军(rover ranger scout)==>十七岁以上
· 童子军的组织--- 世界童子军总会=>各国童子军总会=>地方童子军会=>童子军团=>小队=>童子军
· 童军创始人
--- 童军的创始人是英国爵士贝登堡先生,贝登堡鉴于当时英国青年道德堕落,体格衰弱,恐遭古代罗马帝国亡国的覆辙,是故研发出一套可行的训练方法试图挽救这种危机。
· 创立经过
--- 贝登堡先生回忆儿时生活及军中服务所得之经验,并参考各民族训练青年的优良方法,拟具一种儿童训练的计划。最初贝氏召集了20名儿童,到英国南部的[白浪岛]举行实验性的露营,当时正值民国前五年(1907)年夏季,这应该算是世界童子军成立的第一团了。
· 童子军的种类---
a. 稚龄童军(pre cub scout)===>六岁半至十岁半
b. 幼童军(cub scout)===>八岁至十二岁
c. 童子军(boy scout)===>十一岁以上
d. 行义童子军(senior scout)十四岁以上
e. 海童军(sea scout)及空童军(air scout)===>十五岁以上
f. 罗浮、兰杰童子军(rover ranger scout)==>十七岁以上
· 童子军的组织--- 世界童子军总会=>各国童子军总会=>地方童子军会=>童子军团=>小队=>童子军
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