Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tallest scouts tower record at 40.26m

IPOH: A pioneering tower standing 40.26m tall has entered the Malaysia Book of Records as the tallest built by scouts in the country.
It was constructed by 50 scouts from the Shiang Yang 219th Kinta troop using 5,000 pieces of mangrove wood and 300kg of rope.
It took them 10 days to build the nine-level structure at the Bercham recreational garden and sports complex here.
Mangrove wood feat: The tower constructed by the Shiang Yang 219th Kinta scout troop which will be open to the public

MBOR research journalist Ricky Yap said the structure was an amazing feat as it was built entirely by hand.
“One of the criteria in the attempt was that the feat had to be motivational and inspirational, and this certainly fits the description,” he said after presenting the certificate to the group here.
The previous record, he said, was set in 2002 by a group of Penang scouts who built a tower measuring 35m tall but it was done with the help of cranes and scaffolding.
Scoutmaster Leong Siew Chuan, 26, said they built the structure to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the World Scout Movement and the eighth anniversary of the open troop.
“We chose kayu bakau (mangrove) because it’s sturdier. This is the 19th tower we built, and it cost us RM40,000,” he said.
Chenderiang assemblyman Dr Mah Hang Soon, who represented Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan, praised the scouts for their determination.





· 童军创始人

--- 童军的创始人是英国爵士贝登堡先生,贝登堡鉴于当时英国青年道德堕落,体格衰弱,恐遭古代罗马帝国亡国的覆辙,是故研发出一套可行的训练方法试图挽救这种危机。

· 创立经过

--- 贝登堡先生回忆儿时生活及军中服务所得之经验,并参考各民族训练青年的优良方法,拟具一种儿童训练的计划。最初贝氏召集了20名儿童,到英国南部的[白浪岛]举行实验性的露营,当时正值民国前五年(1907)年夏季,这应该算是世界童子军成立的第一团了。

· 童子军的种类---

a. 稚龄童军(pre cub scout)===>六岁半至十岁半

b. 幼童军(cub scout)===>八岁至十二岁

c. 童子军(boy scout)===>十一岁以上

d. 行义童子军(senior scout)十四岁以上

e. 海童军(sea scout)及空童军(air scout)===>十五岁以上

f. 罗浮、兰杰童子军(rover ranger scout)==>十七岁以上

· 童子军的组织--- 世界童子军总会=>各国童子军总会=>地方童子军会=>童子军团=>小队=>童子军